Forgive the lapse in posts, it's been a challenge to type because of my recent disability. I cut my finger in the kitchen, majorly, then had to get surgery to repair a severed nerve, and am now wearing a finger/short arm splint for another 2.5 weeks. But I've been wanting to write in here for awhile, so I'm typing away, handicapped and all!

Weight has been coming off in fits and starts. My friend/roommate Joe compares weight loss progress to watching a stock plummet -- while it may go up a tad or flatline, the general direction is down. Right now I'm at a total of just over 40 pounds lost! It's a huge (literally) achievement for me, and even though I've struggled some days to keep the progress going, I know how badly I want to get to my goal weight and I've kept my eyes on the prize, minus a 3 day period where I indulged in some Tootsie rolls and cheesy snacks and felt guilty after.
Now I have to pretty much nix booze, because I've found that when I drink, I don't lose weight for something like 4 days. I'm working way too hard to let a Mai Tai derail me. Granted, I know that the occasional indulgence is necessary to maintain sanity, but I'd much rather eat than drink my calories. Plus (thankfully), I don't
crave booze.
Onward and upward!!!h