It's that time again — total truth time! Weight loss is relatively easy. Oh sure it's hard to get started, but I've been down this road before, but it's been easy to
lose, tricky to keep it off. We'll cross that road once we get to it, but I believe the trick is just making sure to not view the diet change as a
diet and just keep making good choices.
Anyway, here I am helping prep chicken that roommate was grilling. I hate this picture with every fiber of my being, but hey, today the bells have rung indicating total truth time (see right).

Moving on to learning about cooking. Living in my new apartment with the new roommate has made it much easier, because he (Joe) is essentially a gourmand/amateur chef. Loving that about living in Hollywood, plus, y'know, it's not Van Nuys and I love
Today's dinner was this (below):
A mighty tasty baked salmon with lemon and dill, balsamic glazed Brussels sprouts and carrots. So tasty.
Overall, today was productive and I feel like I'm making good progress not just with a healthy diet and learning about cooking, but moving around more, too. It's a big help knowing I have a workout buddy, and that I'm walking a mile and a half round-trip to the gym. That helps a lot.
Other important things I've achieved includes veggies or fruit as a significant part of every meal, which never happened before. The rest is mostly protein and fiber and water. Hardly any sugar or salt, and of course no fast food, soda, chips, candy or many non-produce carbs, like bread or rice, and not much dairy, either.
Happy so far with my progress. Not even craving junk right now, although I am tired and sore, but...par for the course, I suppose.
Onward and upward!